In this deliverable, we report on the activities for Deliverable 4.1 - Report on trust model for partner sites, and between sites and controlled-access researchers. The Work Package 4 (WP4) goals concern the development of a set of tools that can facilitate federated analyses of new and diverse genetic and genomic datasets, based on specific use cases. The tools selected will be using the common federated infrastructure established in WP1 and WP2, and the datasets will be described with metadata standards identified in WP3.
In our report we considered trust as the extent to which one party is willing to depend on the other party in a given situation with a feeling of relative security, even though negative consequences are possible. This work has contributed towards establishing a description of the trust model and four different levels of data access concerning specific cohort’s data, identifying use cases for the development of federated analysis workflows and describing existing data access models to inspire subsequent WP4 deliverables related to the implementation of the federated analysis workflow. Active communication and engagement of several WP4 members in other CINECA work packages enabled the inclusion in this document of other aspects of the CINECA cohort data access model. Examples include the WP2 cohort survey, the Data Use Ontology framework that was adopted by WP3 and by WP1, and WP5 provided input on the harmonisation and formalisation of clinical use cases.