The consortium involves 18 full partners from 10 different countries across three continents. The partners are world-class leaders in their fields, with long-standing experience in translation of research results into diagnostic applications. The collection of partners has representation from key European and international standards organisations, as well as industry SMEs. As representatives of major informatics resources and organisations we have the ability to deliver CINECA’s objectives robustly and at scale driving the academic, SME and health infrastructures forward.
This partnership has investment in, and access to, both molecular and phenotypic data available from a diverse and impactful set of cohorts corresponding to 1.4 million individuals. We currently operate the state of the art infrastructures, analyses, knowledge discovery and data discovery platforms on which we will build to deliver our vision of a federated solution enabling population scale genomic and biomolecular data accessible across international borders accelerating research and improving the health of individuals resident across continents.
Complete list of CINECA partners
Many partners are represented in ELIXIR whose mission to “deliver sustainable European infrastructure for biological information support life science research and its translation to medicine” is well aligned with CINECA.
Consortium partners and representation as SMEs, members of BBMRI & ELIXIR, GA4GH, and H3Africa projects. ELIXIR and BBMRI are country level members and therefore multiple institutions are affiliated. DNAStack is an associated partner.