Masaryk University, established in 1919, is the second largest Czech university with more than 40,000 students and 4,500 staff in 9 faculties and 2 university Institutes. Project partner is Centre CERIT-SC (CERIT Scientific Cloud), part of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS). CERIT-SC is an officially recognized national large research e-infrastructure, complementing CESNET (NREN) and IT4Innovations (HPC) facilities. It is dedicated to the development and management of a grid/cloud combined experimental facility and performing research in areas where this facility is used in wide range of sciences. Integral part of provided services is authentication and authorization infrastructure (AAI) where CERIT-SC tests new approaches for securing the infrastructure in a user-friendly way and together with CESNET it develops identity and access management system Perun.

Country: Czech Republic
