The UMCG (Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen) is the second largest academic hospital in the Netherlands with a staff of 10,000 people in patient care, education & training and research, with a focus on ‘Healthy Ageing’. The work is planned at the Genomics Coordination Center (GCC) a bioinformatics core facility and big data stewardship hotel between the UMC/University of Groningen on on a mission to unlock the full potential of next-generation *omics, translational and biobank experiments towards personalized medicine and systems genetics for rare and common disease. GCC is part of the Dept of Genetics, having Prof. dr. Richard Sinke (M) - head of diagnostics and power user from diagnostic perspective, Prof. dr. Cisca Wijmenga (F) – head of genetics, BBMRI-NL 2.0, immune/complex disease, Mw Prof. dr. Irene van Langen MD (F) – head of clinic, ELSI, power user from clinical perspective, Prof. dr. Rolf Sijmons MD (M) – daily power user, national ontology expert, consultant to the project. 

Country: Netherlands
