The outputs of CINECA will be directly applicable to national activities, to GA4GH, ELIXIR, BBMRI and EGA which in future will be deployed as a federated resource for consented human data. We will leverage our leadership within GA4GH, ELIXIR, BBMRI and H3Africa to widely disseminate within them to maximise impact of CINECA.
CINECA will connect these infrastructures and standards organisations for the first time at an unprecedented scale.
CINECA Impact Overview
We have assembled a consortium that spans three continents and therefore have a diverse ELSI landscape and a compelling tranche of data exchange scenarios with which to work. The impetus of having real data, diverse cohorts located in different countries and clear scientific and technical aims will drive forward the ELSI implementation by the project partners. The connectivity to BBMRI, ELIXIR, H3Africa and others provides an ideal route to ensure best practice and exemplars from this project are widely accessible and therefore are able to impact genomics data exchange, cohort meta data exchange, training, and technical implementation across borders.
CINECA represents one of the largest implementations to date of the burgeoning GA4GH standards for global interoperability of human data resources and will inform the future direction and design of GA4GH.
Fundamental Scientific Impacts
Intensified sharing, reuse, collaboration and knowledge discovery in the health field, while ensuring legal safety on the use of the data.
More efficient research through reduced duplication of experimentation.
Strengthened position of the EU, Canada and Africa in science and more collaboration between academia and industry resulting in more innovation, jobs and growth.