Federated data analysis workshop
12:00 PM12:00

Federated data analysis workshop

  • CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

During this workshop, we will present an end-to-end federated data analysis use case covering federated data discovery and access, bioinformatics analysis, and ethical and legal considerations for responsible and fair data sharing flow. The workshop will comprise a mix of lectures and demos with some hands-on tutorials if time permits. Lectures will introduce key concepts for federated data sharing and analysis, GA4GH Beacon API, GA4GH Passports and Visas, and the Data Use Ontology (DUO), followed by practical sessions on real-world research and clinical applications.

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The case of data reuse: Ethical, legal, and societal issues in international genomic data access and sharing
2:00 PM14:00

The case of data reuse: Ethical, legal, and societal issues in international genomic data access and sharing

In this webinar, we will give an overview of the CINECA workflows for genotype imputation, gene expression and splicing quantification, data normalisation and association testing, and demonstrate how these workflows can be used in a federated setting without transferring identifiable personal data between partners.

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Federated analysis for Polygenic Risk Score Calculations
3:00 PM15:00

Federated analysis for Polygenic Risk Score Calculations

As a part of the CINECA project we have been working on the development of a demonstrator of federated genetic analyses utilising a computational pipeline for PRS analysis. In this webinar, we will provide an overview of this PRS pipeline utilising the CINECA UK1 synthetic dataset, derived from the 1000 genomes project, as a demonstrator. 

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Modular and reproducible workflows for federated molecular QTL analysis
3:00 PM15:00

Modular and reproducible workflows for federated molecular QTL analysis

In this webinar, we will give an overview of the CINECA workflows for genotype imputation, gene expression and splicing quantification, data normalisation and association testing, and demonstrate how these workflows can be used in a federated setting without transferring identifiable personal data between partners.

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Data Harmonization workshop
to May 19

Data Harmonization workshop

The ultimate goal of CINECA's vision of a federated cloud-enabled infrastructure making population-scale genomic and biomolecular data accessible across international borders is to enable large-scale federated data analysis responsibly and securely. This will require integrating and harmonizing diverse, large human cohort data using community standards. Data harmonization within and across cohorts adds value to the data for downstream analysis and interpretation and facilitates cross-cohort meta-analysis.

This workshop aims to discuss ways to address common challenges in cohort data harmonization, share best practices, and work towards practical steps to address them. We welcome any cohort with plans for prospective or retrospective data harmonization, enthusiastic about sharing their experience and learning from others' perspectives in cohort data discovery and analysis.

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Bringing it all together: human cohort standards, tools and applications
4:00 PM16:00

Bringing it all together: human cohort standards, tools and applications

The CINECA webinar series continues with a presentation by Dr Melanie Courtot, from the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR).

The ability to integrate and harmonise diverse, large human cohort data at scale promises exciting research perspectives and applications. This webinar provides a high-level introduction to some current standards for data representation and access, and tools leveraging them. Finally, we explore how modular assembly of tools and standards enables deployment of Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data and showcase applications that “bring it all together”.

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Browsing genomes: a Beacon training for users
3:30 PM15:30

Browsing genomes: a Beacon training for users

The Beacon is a protocol for sharing information about the presence or absence of a specific mutation in a given dataset. The latest version (v2) of the Beacon also allows to: filter by variables or interest (e.g. gender or age), trigger the data access process, and consult clinical annotation about the variants found, among others.

At the end of this training session, participants will be familiarized with Beacon queries, using the UI as well as the API. This training session is part of the CINECA GA4GH Beacon series.

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Beacon v2 Reference Implementation: An Overview
3:30 PM15:30

Beacon v2 Reference Implementation: An Overview

The Beacon v2 Reference Implementation (B2RI) is a free open source Linux-based software created by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (Barcelona, Spain) that allows lighting up a Beacon v2 out-of-the-box.In this training session, a B2RI developer will give an overview on how to use the software to “beaconize” your data (from the user’s perspective).

At the end of this training session, participants will be familiarized with the input and output requirements of the B2RI, as well as with the type of queries allowed. This training session is part of the CINECA GA4GH Beacon series.

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Lighting a Beacon: training for (future) implementers
3:30 PM15:30

Lighting a Beacon: training for (future) implementers

The Beacon is a protocol for sharing information about the presence or absence of a specific mutation in a given dataset. The latest version (v2) of the Beacon also allows to: filter by variables or interest (e.g. gender or age), trigger the data access process, and consult clinical annotation about the variants found, among others.

At the end of the training session, participants should have the tools to get started with the implementation autonomously, and have identified the resource persons to answer their questions during the implementation process. This training session is part of the CINECA GA4GH Beacon series.

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The Beacon: a data discovery solution in genomics and health
4:00 PM16:00

The Beacon: a data discovery solution in genomics and health

The Beacon is a protocol for sharing information about the presence or absence of a specific mutation in a given dataset. The latest version (v2) of the Beacon also allows to: filter by variables or interest (e.g. gender or age), trigger the data access process, and consult clinical annotation about the variants found, among others.

In this webinar, the Beacon team at CRG will introduce you to the Beacon v2, its features, address security considerations, and illustrate a few use cases. This webinar is part of the CINECA GA4GH Beacon series.

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International Data Sharing: Fostering Engagement, Transparency and Accountability
2:00 PM14:00

International Data Sharing: Fostering Engagement, Transparency and Accountability

The seven projects making up the EUCAN ELSI Collaboratory (EUCANCan, euCanSHare, CINECA, iReceptor Plus, EUCAN-Connect, ReCoD-ID, and EuCanImage) will host a joint webinar about how fostering stakeholder engagement can improve transparency and accountability in international sharing of health data.

The two-hour webinar will consist of two parts. The first part will include four 15-minute presentations and conclude with a Q&A. The second part will be dedicated to horizon scanning, providing a space for researchers in the EUCAN ELSI projects to discuss a wide verity of themes concerning the future of international data sharing, including ongoing barriers to be remover; future research that needs to be conducted; and affirmation of certain already existing frameworks.

The event is free of charge and open to everyone interested in learning more about international data sharing in the health research space and beyond.

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On-line training on GA4GH Passports
11:00 AM11:00

On-line training on GA4GH Passports

The training consists of one hour of presentations, followed by a hands-on exercise with a Virtual Machine. In the hand-on part the trainees integrate their VM to ELIXIR AAI as an OpenID Connect client to retrieve a GA4GH Passport. The client then presents the Passport to a Data API to authorise the API call and to stream a dataset. The VMs are available for the trainees for two weeks after the training.

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“How FAIR are you” Hackathon
to Apr 29

“How FAIR are you” Hackathon

The hackathon will be a practical online event to investigate gaps in the application of FAIR principles to project outputs and facilitate the implementation of FAIR approaches, where possible. The Hackathon will focus on cohort data, software tools including workflows, algorithms as well as web services, and training materials.

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Application of FAIR Principles in the CINECA project
3:00 PM15:00

Application of FAIR Principles in the CINECA project

This webinar will focus on how the CINECA project is applying FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles in practice. Enabling federated data discovery, data access, and research and analysis, by using open standards across the federated network, is crucial in order to fully exploit the potential of human cohorts to drive personalised medicine. CINECA is working in collaboration with other GA4GH driver projects developing and implementing the methods and infrastructure which will allow effective use of widely-dispersed data to improve the size and quality of datasets available for disease research.

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Ethics/ELSI considerations - From FAIR to fair data sharing
3:00 PM15:00

Ethics/ELSI considerations - From FAIR to fair data sharing

The FAIR principles – standing for Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability – have become the guiding principles for the wider sharing of research data in the life sciences. While FAIR provides guidance for the management of data as well as tools and workflows, the institutional conditions and organizational challenges associated with data sharing need to be taken into account to ensure responsible and fair data practices. This requires considering the context of legal requirements, for instance the principle of fairness and transparency in GDPR, expectations of research participants/data subjects, societal aspects and the “ethics work” that is an integral part of data flows, as well as fairness, equity and benefit sharing within transnational collaborations, which is of utmost importance. This webinar will, from the perspective of ethical, legal and societal implications (ELSI), discuss this broader context of responsible and fair data sharing associated with FAIR.

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How to make training FAIR
3:00 PM15:00

How to make training FAIR

During this webinar, we will give you some tips and suggestions on how you can make more of the training materials you produce and encourage others to do the same. FAIR is not just for data - we can make our training materials FAIR too. Join us to find out the benefits of sharing your FAIR materials and some simple ways you can make it easy for others to use your materials in their teaching, or as aids for individuals to learn more.

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Practically FAIR
3:00 PM15:00

Practically FAIR

This webinar will focus on practical applications of the FAIR data principles, particularly in the context of clinical bioinformatics. We will highlight several example projects that have put the FAIR principles in practice, and discuss the advantages and some of the challenges involved. ELIXIR Galaxy community (elixir-europe.org/communities/galaxy) promotes the use of Galaxy projects that enhance the FAIRness in data analysis. We will demonstrate the Galaxy services that deliver practical FAIR data analysis with “Single Sign-On” capability provided by ELIXIR-AAI. The aim is to provide (medical) researchers with the practicalities of implementing and using FAIR principles in the context of the CINECA project as applied to translational research at Erasmus University Medical Center.

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FAIR Software tools
3:00 PM15:00

FAIR Software tools

In this talk, I will discuss the importance of the FAIR principles for the software tools we use to process data. Ranging from small analysis scripts to full fledged data processing pipelines, software needs to be FAIR to enable other researchers to reproduce our own experiments and reuse our software. However software and data are fundamentally different – software is executable in nature and may have intricate dependencies. FAIR principles apply differently to software than they do to data and we must be aware of these differences. Existing initiatives such as the RDA FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) working group (https://www.rd-alliance.org/groups/fair-4-research-software-fair4rs-wg) and http://fair-software.eu/ are already focused on addressing these differences and raising awareness of the importance of FAIR for software.

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GTN Smörgåsbord: A Global Galaxy Course
to Feb 19

GTN Smörgåsbord: A Global Galaxy Course

  • Google Calendar ICS

In February 2021, we will organize a global 5-day Galaxy Training event showcasing a wide variety of GTN (Galaxy Training Network) tutorials. This will be an online event, spanning all time zones. All training sessions are pre-recorded, so you can work through them at your own pace, and manage your own time. A large community of GTN trainers will be available via online support to answer all your questions.

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Introduction to FAIR principles - Open science through FAIR health data networks: dream or reality?
3:00 PM15:00

Introduction to FAIR principles - Open science through FAIR health data networks: dream or reality?

CINECA starts a "How FAIR are you" webinar series with a presentation by Kees van Bochove, founder of The Hyve. In this webinar, we will dive into the basics of FAIR health data, but also take stock of the current situation in health data networks: after a year of frantic research and collaborations and many open datasets and hackathons on COVID-19, has the situation actually improved? Are we sharing health data on a global scale to improve medical practice, or is quality medical data still only accessible to researchers with the right credentials and deep pockets?

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“How FAIR are you” Webinar Series and Hackathon
to Apr 30

“How FAIR are you” Webinar Series and Hackathon

The “How FAIR are you” webinar series and hackathon aim at increasing and facilitating the uptake of FAIR approaches into software, training materials and cohort data, to facilitate responsible and ethical data and resource sharing and implementation of federated applications for data analysis.

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Data Gravity in the Life Sciences: Lessons learned from the Human Cell Atlas and other federated data projects
4:00 PM16:00

Data Gravity in the Life Sciences: Lessons learned from the Human Cell Atlas and other federated data projects

We live in an era of cloud computing. Many of the services in the life sciences are keenly planning cloud transformations, seeking to create globally distributed ecosystems of harmonised data based on standards from organisations like GA4GH. CINECA faces similar challenges, gathering cohort datasets from all over the globe, many of which are pinned in place, due to their size, legal restrictions, or other considerations.

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Webinar: Status Update Code of Conduct: Teaming up & Talking about it
4:00 PM16:00

Webinar: Status Update Code of Conduct: Teaming up & Talking about it

Date:  1 October 2020

Time: 4:00 pm CEST

Materials: Slides Status update code of conduct: teaming up & talking about it

Speaker: Michaela Th. Mayrhofer, BBMRI-ERIC

Contact: Marta Lloret Llinares


The CINECA webinar series continues with a presentation by Dr. Michaela Th. Mayrhofer (BBMRI-ERIC) on Status Update Code of Conduct: Teaming up & Talking about it.

 Committed to the drafting of a Code of Conduct for the sector of health research according to Art. 40 GDPR, our initiative is advancing slowly but steadily. Throughout Europe, national jurisdictions differ to a great deal in their interpretations of the GDPR, especially in regard to its application in health research. This is due to some quite vague provisions (public interest, not incompatible clause) as wells as to numerous exemption/derogation clauses concerning the use of health data for research purposes, which encourage States to set up national rules – enhancing fragmentation. Notably, a Code of Conduct can help to bridge the harmonization gaps that may exist between Member States in their application of data protection law. On a practical level, a code is potentially a cost-effective method to achieve greater levels of consistency of protection as well as a mechanism to demonstrate compliance with the GDPR. By spring 2020, several hundred individuals representing around 90 organizations in the field of health research have indicated their interest and support for the Code of Conduct for Health Research. At this stage, this does not yet indicate an endorsement but means that they see a benefit in the development of such a code and are interested in partaking in the process. Additionally, several exchanges take place with national and sectoral codes in order to use synergies and finds ways for collaboration. This webinar is intended to inform you about the latest results.

The CINECA webinar series aims to discuss ways to address common challenges and share best practices in the field of cohort data analysis, as well as distribute CINECA project results. All CINECA webinars include an audience Q&A session during which attendees can ask questions and make suggestions. Please note that all webinars are recorded and available for posterior viewing.

About the speaker:


Michaela Th. Mayrhofer is a political scientist and historian by training. She was educated in Vienna, Louvain-la-Neuve, Essex and Paris. In 2010, she has earned her PhD from both the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales and the University of Vienna, which was shortlisted by the Austrian Society for Political Science for 'best thesis 2010'. Prior to her involvement in BBMRI-ERIC, she was investigator in several national and international research projects focusing on the politics of biotechnology and the life sciences, especially the governance of biobanks. Her academic career led to various positions at the Centre de Recherche Médecine, Sciences, Santé et Société, the University of Vienna, the Institute of Science, Technology and Society Studies at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt/ Vienna/Graz, the Technical University of Vienna and the Medical University of Graz. Today, she serves as the Chief Policy and Coordination Officer of BBMRI-ERIC and coordinates the Code of Conduct for Health Research initiative.


The CINECA (Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada, and Africa) project aims to develop a federated cloud enabled infrastructure to make population scale genomic and biomolecular data accessible across international borders, to accelerate research, and improve the health of individuals across continents. CINECA will leverage international investment in human cohort studies from Europe, Canada, and Africa to deliver a paradigm shift of federated research and clinical applications. The CINECA consortium will create one of the largest cross-continental implementations of human genetic and phenotypic data federation and interoperability with a focus on common (complex) disease, one of the world’s most significant health burdens. CINECA has assembled a virtual cohort of 1.4M individuals from population, longitudinal and disease studies. Federated analyses will deliver new scientific knowledge, harmonisation strategies and the necessary ELSI framework supporting data exchange across legal jurisdictions enabling federated analyses in the cloud. CINECA will provide a template to achieve virtual longitudinal and disease specific cohorts of millions of samples, to advance benefits to patients. It will leverage partner membership of standards and infrastructures like the Global Alliance for Global Health, BBMRI, ELIXIR, and EOSC driving the state of the art in standards development, technical implementation and FAIR data.


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CINECA Session at IHCC - cross cohort interoperability, metadata harmonisation, and discovery
12:30 PM12:30

CINECA Session at IHCC - cross cohort interoperability, metadata harmonisation, and discovery

This hands-on workshop at IHCC 2020 aims to collect a variety of use cases for cohort interoperability and work towards practical steps to address them. This will include approaches for metadata harmonisation, querying/discovery, authentication, data retrieval and analysis. We propose to identify a subset of cohorts that will provide the relevant information for use case driven development.
We welcome any cohort with plans for prospective or retrospective metadata harmonisation, enthusiastic to share their experience and learn from CINECA’s perspective in the context of federated dataset discovery and analysis.

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Webinar: Ethical, legal and societal issues in international data sharing
12:30 PM12:30

Webinar: Ethical, legal and societal issues in international data sharing

This webinar will be to present the first findings of the ELSI activities in the CINECA project, ranging from questions of ethics of data sharing across continents to legal basis of secondary processing of personal data, consent requirements and vulnerable groups or public and stakeholders’ attitudes toward sharing of genomic and health related data for research.

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Webinar: H3ABioNet Experiences in Phenotype Data Harmonisation and Standards Development
11:30 AM11:30

Webinar: H3ABioNet Experiences in Phenotype Data Harmonisation and Standards Development


Date: Thursday 12 December 2019, 12:30 - 13:30 GMT

Materials: Slides H3ABioNet experiences in phenotype data harmonisation and standards development

Contact: Vera Matser


H3ABioNet supports the H3Africa Consortium in their research data collection and analysis efforts. This includes both genomic and phenotypic data. With the completion of data collection from some of the projects in H3Africa cycle 1 of funding it become clear midway that some data standardisation/harmonisation would be needed to facilitate meta-analyses of data especially with regards to the clinical data collected by the various studies. H3ABioNet working with the H3Africa Phenotype Harmonisation Working Group have developed an H3Africa Standard CRF which newer studies in cycle 2 of funding having taken up to use for their clinical data collection and we have also supported post data collection harmonisation effort for the H3Africa Cardiovascular Disease Working Group assisting with harmonising data across 6 different studies. We will be talking about experiences in both standards development in Africa and data harmonisation methods used.


About the speaker:

Katherine Johnston is currently co-chair of the H3ABioNet Health Informatics Work Package and H3Africa Phenotype Harmonisation Working Group, focused on data harmonisation efforts and building Phenotype Standards in the African context. She provides support to the H3Africa Consortium studies in phenotype data collection, harmonisation, software platforms and incorporation of ontologies. With a long-standing desire to play a role in advances in genetic research, Katherine moved from a position as Head Clinical Data Manager at AHRI, Durban and joined the Computational Biology Division at UCT, Cape Town as an H3ABioNet Software Developer. She completed an Honours degree in Computer Science and Economics and started her career working in Electronic Health Record systems development. Discovering a passion for helping medical professionals in the field of patient care by building them useful electronic tools she joined CAPRISA as a Clinical Data Manager in 2004 and worked with enjoyment in the field of clinical data management for 13 years. During this time, she married and had three beautiful children, the first of whom has Down Syndrome. As a result, she finds herself unexpectedly combining her interest in genetics, health informatics and patient care with her love for her children, advocating for inclusivity and research advancements in medical care, data collection standards and software development to benefit all genetically diverse people in Africa.


This webinar introduces the CINECA (Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada, and Africa) project, which aims to develop a federated cloud enabled infrastructure to make population scale genomic and biomolecular data accessible across international borders, to accelerate research, and improve the health of individuals across continents. CINECA will leverage international investment in human cohort studies from Europe, Canada, and Africa to deliver a paradigm shift of federated research and clinical applications. The CINECA consortium will create one of the largest cross-continental implementations of human genetic and phenotypic data federation and interoperability with a focus on common (complex) disease, one of the world’s most significant health burdens. CINECA has assembled a virtual cohort of 1.4M individuals from population, longitudinal and disease studies. Federated analyses will deliver new scientific knowledge, harmonisation strategies and the necessary ELSI framework supporting data exchange across legal jurisdictions enabling federated analyses in the cloud. CINECA will provide a template to achieve virtual longitudinal and disease specific cohorts of millions of samples, to advance benefits to patients. It will leverage partner membership of standards and infrastructures like the Global Alliance for Global Health, BBMRI, ELIXIR, and EOSC driving the state of the art in standards development, technical implementation and FAIR data.

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Webinar: The CINECA project - Addressing bottlenecks in cohort data analysis
2:30 PM14:30

Webinar: The CINECA project - Addressing bottlenecks in cohort data analysis

This webinar introduces the CINECA (Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada, and Africa) project, which aims to develop a federated cloud enabled infrastructure to make population scale genomic and biomolecular data accessible across international borders, to accelerate research, and improve the health of individuals across continents. CINECA will leverage international investment in human cohort studies from Europe, Canada, and Africa to deliver a paradigm shift of federated research and clinical applications.

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