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Federated data analysis workshop
12:00 PM12:00

Federated data analysis workshop

  • CTICC, Cape Town, South Africa (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

During this workshop, we will present an end-to-end federated data analysis use case covering federated data discovery and access, bioinformatics analysis, and ethical and legal considerations for responsible and fair data sharing flow. The workshop will comprise a mix of lectures and demos with some hands-on tutorials if time permits. Lectures will introduce key concepts for federated data sharing and analysis, GA4GH Beacon API, GA4GH Passports and Visas, and the Data Use Ontology (DUO), followed by practical sessions on real-world research and clinical applications.

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Data Harmonization workshop
to May 19

Data Harmonization workshop

The ultimate goal of CINECA's vision of a federated cloud-enabled infrastructure making population-scale genomic and biomolecular data accessible across international borders is to enable large-scale federated data analysis responsibly and securely. This will require integrating and harmonizing diverse, large human cohort data using community standards. Data harmonization within and across cohorts adds value to the data for downstream analysis and interpretation and facilitates cross-cohort meta-analysis.

This workshop aims to discuss ways to address common challenges in cohort data harmonization, share best practices, and work towards practical steps to address them. We welcome any cohort with plans for prospective or retrospective data harmonization, enthusiastic about sharing their experience and learning from others' perspectives in cohort data discovery and analysis.

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On-line training on GA4GH Passports
11:00 AM11:00

On-line training on GA4GH Passports

The training consists of one hour of presentations, followed by a hands-on exercise with a Virtual Machine. In the hand-on part the trainees integrate their VM to ELIXIR AAI as an OpenID Connect client to retrieve a GA4GH Passport. The client then presents the Passport to a Data API to authorise the API call and to stream a dataset. The VMs are available for the trainees for two weeks after the training.

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GTN Smörgåsbord: A Global Galaxy Course
to Feb 19

GTN Smörgåsbord: A Global Galaxy Course

  • Google Calendar ICS

In February 2021, we will organize a global 5-day Galaxy Training event showcasing a wide variety of GTN (Galaxy Training Network) tutorials. This will be an online event, spanning all time zones. All training sessions are pre-recorded, so you can work through them at your own pace, and manage your own time. A large community of GTN trainers will be available via online support to answer all your questions.

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CINECA Session at IHCC - cross cohort interoperability, metadata harmonisation, and discovery
12:30 PM12:30

CINECA Session at IHCC - cross cohort interoperability, metadata harmonisation, and discovery

This hands-on workshop at IHCC 2020 aims to collect a variety of use cases for cohort interoperability and work towards practical steps to address them. This will include approaches for metadata harmonisation, querying/discovery, authentication, data retrieval and analysis. We propose to identify a subset of cohorts that will provide the relevant information for use case driven development.
We welcome any cohort with plans for prospective or retrospective metadata harmonisation, enthusiastic to share their experience and learn from CINECA’s perspective in the context of federated dataset discovery and analysis.

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