The video is aimed at presenting what is the Query Expansion (QE) and introducing all the QE services developed by WP1.
Read MoreThe video is aimed at presenting what is Horizontal Expansion, a QE service that retrieves synonyms based on semantic similarities.
Read MoreThe video is aimed at presenting what is the Vertical Expansion, a QE service that retrieves hypernyms and hyponyms aka the parents and the children of a concept in a specific ontology.
Read MoreThe video is aimed at presenting what is the Data Driven Expansion, a QE service based on a word2vec algorithm trained on 2 million PubMed abstracts.
Read MoreThis month’s blog was written by Lauren Fromont (CRG), a member of the EGA team at CRG and a member of CINECA WP1 - Federated Data Discovery and Querying. This blog is the second in our GA4GH standards series, presenting an overview of how GA4GH standards are being developed and implemented by CINECA.
Read MoreThis month’s blog was written by Dylan Spalding (EMBL-EBI), Coordinator of the European Genome-phenome Archive and co-WPL of CINECA WP4 - Federated Joint Cohort Analysis. This blog is the first in our new series, presenting an overview of GA4GH standards being developed and implemented by CINECA.
Read MoreThe video is aimed at all those involved in the management of biomedical research data (e.g. Data set managers of Elixir nodes; Managers of biomedical research data management systems). It demonstrate the power of the CINECA query expansion services.
Read MoreThe video is aimed at all those involved in the management of biomedical research data (e.g. Data set managers of Elixir nodes; Managers of biomedical research data management systems). It demonstrate the power of the CINECA query expansion services.
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